What do pigs and birds have in common? They have a shared instinctual trait that defies expectations.
Why Norway has banned the breeding of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Norway’s Supreme Court has ruled that the breeding of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels violates the Animal Welfare Act. A Norwegian professor believes the court has made a mistake in allowing further breeding of English Bulldogs.
Were Norwegian whalers worried about what they were doing? Norwegian whaling in the Antarctic consisted of blood, toil and adventure. In his new book, Espen Ytreberg writes about daily life in the industry that ended up almost wiping out the big whales.
Mark drove from the Netherlands to Norway for a new cancer treatment to save Misty the dog Mark Klaver has travelled from the Netherlands to Norway five times so that his dog Misty (12) can receive a new immunotherapy cancer treatment. Misty is participating in an experimental trial at the Veterinary College that could extend dogs' lives.
Even chickens can de-stress with a good bath Stressed chickens have pain, become sicker and lay fewer eggs. Food and animal welfare are at stake when researchers help the birds cope with stress.
Mina the sheep was born intersex "She was the most beautiful sheep in the flock," says the owner of Mina's farm.
Trying to make assisted fertilization work for pigs Researchers want to put Norway on the pig embryo map. Animal rights activists are critical.
Necropsy report following Freya’s euthanasia: Was healthy and died instantly According to the walrus Freya's necropsy, she was in good health. The Norwegian Veterinary Institute's report also shows that she died instantly when she was put down.
Should you help injured birds? A little duckling has injured its foot. Should you help, kill it or do nothing?
Calves not allowed to stay with their mother are more stressed and grow less well Consumers of milk and cheese want cows and calves to stay together.
Yes, we can prevent future pandemics OPINION: With new health threats perhaps just an airflight away, we need to ask how countries like Norway can contribute in the global effort to prevent future pandemics.
Salmon in pain when warm water is used as delousing treatment Salmon are briefly immersed in warm water so the lice lose their grip. The treatment is the most common non-chemical delousing method used at Norwegian fish farms. But its imminent ban comes as new research reveals the pain and injury to the salmon.
Every year, 50 million cleaner fish die in Norwegian fish farms “Would we tolerate the same mortality in other animals?” one veterinarian from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority asked at a recent conference on salmon lice.
She’s given birth to six calves before — but now she finally gets to be a mother Most dairy cows aren’t allowed to mother their calves. Julie Føske Johnsen from the Norwegian Veterinary Institute is leading a new research project where cows get to visit their calves.
'Fish welfare should be a criterion for obtaining new aquaculture concessions' If fish mortality affects the bottom line, preventing mortality will be given more priority, says fish welfare researcher Tore Kristiansen.
Increasing border security fences are a lethal problem for wildlife OPINION: Wire fences and walls along country boarders are a huge problem for wildlife. Animals die after getting entangled in the wires and many species are cut off from important seasonal habitats. This situation forces a re-think of conservation strategies across borders, says researcher.
Calves need more motherly care Calves are usually separated from cows right after birth. A new study indicates that they should get more time with their mothers.
Happy farmer, happy cow To succeed with farm animals, you should enjoy yourself and be kind and calm. The result will be happy cows and more milk.
Scientists shock cod to gauge pain Tests on Atlantic cod could lead to a discovery of whether fish simply react to harmful stimuli or actually feel pain much as we do.
For Norwegians, healthy food and animal welfare are more important than prices They want the incomes of farmers to be in line with other social groups – and they shy away from GMOs.
Calves aren’t being given enough milk Calves are subjected to a feeding regimen that is much too harsh, according to animal husbandry researchers. When allowed to drink as much as they wish the animals get healthier, happier and will yield more meat and milk.
Jolly porkers not a Norwegian priority Cheap meat means that Norwegians eat more of it, particularly racks of pork spareribs at Christmas. Yet few Norwegian consumers seem to care about the real cost of their pork dinners, especially when it comes to animal welfare.
Scandinavian otters full of contaminants The Scandinavian otter is full of high concentrations of environmental contaminants that were banned years ago.
Is meat from stressed animals unhealthy? We love steak and sausages, but does a high level of axiety in animals make them unhealthy to eat?
Should dogs be neutered? It is against the law to neuter dogs in Norway, while in the USA nearly all male dogs are castrated. What is preferable practice for the dogs - and their owners?