Researcher: Never take health and lifestyle advice from centenarians When we only look at those who survived in their generation, we get a skewed view of reality.
Free and more accessible contraceptives did not lead to fewer teenage pregnancies Birth control pills have been free for girls in Norway since 2002. But according to a new study, this has not led to fewer abortions among teenage girls.
The first vaccine against lung cancer has been administered Despite the fact that many people have stopped smoking, lung cancer is still the cancer that takes the most lives in Norway. Researchers are now testing a vaccine that could give patients hope for far better survival rates.
Rinse your fruit and vegetables, advises the Norwegian Food Safety Authority: “You can treat melon similarly to raw meat” Even clean-looking produce can carry bacteria, making proper washing essential for your safety, according to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.
Dementia researcher: “A medical scandal” This summer, it was revealed that a drug capable of slowing the early progression of Alzheimer's disease would not be approved in Europe. Here are some reactions to this decision.
How much recovery is possible for someone with a severe eating disorder? In a new Norwegian study, 30 per cent of patients recovered completely. But researchers believe we need to ask ourselves what ‘healthy’ really means.
At this age, people are least depressed While depression has increased among the youngest in the Norwegian population, the incidence of depression among the elderly has fallen sharply over the past 20 years. The incidence has actually halved among 70-year-olds.
Navigating menopause in the workplace: "We can't compare the sickness absence rates of men and women" Menopause can significantly affect a woman’s ability to work.
Norway considers lung cancer screening: Researchers discovered the silent killer in Arne Larsen's lungs Lung cancer is often called the ‘silent killer' because many people don’t realise they’re ill until it’s too late. Arne Larsen was fortunate that his cancer was detected before it became life-threatening. Researchers hope that many more lives can now be saved.
Many adolescents get far too little sleep. Researchers are now testing if starting the school day later might help Not getting enough sleep is harmful to our brains. Society should therefore better accommodate the sleep needs of adolescents on school days, according to researchers.
New report: One in four 10-12-year-olds takes painkillers weekly A recent survey reveals that 26 per cent of Norwegian children in 5th to 7th grade take painkillers at least once a week, with the highest percentage, 34 per cent, among girls in 7th grade.
Study links pregnant women's diet to autism risk in children Researchers from Norway and Scotland have identified a possible link between a mother’s diet before and during pregnancy and the likelihood of her child developing autism.
New study: Masks reduce the risk of respiratory infections In a new study, researchers at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) have seen clear results that confirm masks have a protective effect against infection.
No increased risk of birth defects for pregnant women after Covid-19 vaccination A large Nordic study shows that children of mothers who had Covid-19 or were vaccinated during the first trimester did not have an increased risk of congenital anomalies.
What would happen if the limit for self-determined abortion was extended? Norwegian politicians will soon decide whether the limit for self-determined abortion should be moved from the 12th to the 18th week of pregnancy. Researchers do not believe this will affect abortion numbers.
Ticks are thriving in Norway: Record number of Lyme disease cases so far this year According to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, there have never been as many reported cases of the tick-borne disease Lyme borreliosis in the first half of the year as in 2024.
Why does physical activity exacerbate symptoms in ME/CFS and long Covid patients? “It can resemble overtraining in athletes,” says Professor Nina Vøllestad.
Physical and social activities are healthy for everyone. What's life like when you can't tolerate them? Physical and social activities are healthy for everyone. What's life like when you can't tolerate them?
1 in 3 Norwegian adolescents did not use contraception the first time they had sex “We adults need to take more responsibility,” says Trine Aarvold, a medical doctor at Sex og society. She has her own tips for parents.
What happens to young children who become malnourished? If a child becomes acutely malnourished during the first thousand days of their life, they can fully recover. But only if the child receives proper treatment, according to a professor.
Overweight and obesity increased among boys in Norway during the pandemic In the years leading up to the pandemic, the prevalence of overweight and obesity among young boys was declining. During the pandemic, it rose again.
Why are so many more people developing asthma and allergies now compared to before? The number of Norwegians with asthma and allergies has increased dramatically since the mid-1900s.
1.5 million Norwegians have chronic pain. In most cases, doctors cannot find the cause A number of patients return to their doctor and ask for new tests to be taken, time and time again. “Chronic pain without a known cause is undoubtedly one of the most demanding issues for GPs to work with,” says Jakob Petter Bjertnæs.
How do HIV medications work? As long as HIV-positive individuals consistently take their medications, they are not infectious.
Are stomach acid-reducing pills dangerous? Several studies hint that stomach acid-inhibiting drugs are linked to serious illnesses such as cancer and dementia. But what do we actually know for certain?
Does everyone need the same amount of sleep? Expert believes six hours might be enough for some “There’s no reason to lie awake at night worrying about not getting enough sleep,” a sleep expert says.
Researchers warn against pills that reduce stomach acid:Many become addicted and are unable to stop Some benefit greatly from medications for heartburn and acid reflux. But for many, the medication itself can cause long-term problems with stomach acid, according to researchers.
Do you often get low blood sugar? No, you probably don't ASK A RESEARCHER: You feel tired, nauseous, and irritable. Low blood sugar, maybe?
The silent revolution: Is the HIV epidemic over in Norway? Recent HIV figures reveal a success story.
These animals are drained of blood in order to save human lives It looks a bit like a scene from a sci-fi movie.
Norwegian kids with diabetes have gained better control over their blood sugar levels "The new equipment has brought about a true revolution," a Norwegian professor says.
Girls who had a lot of environmental toxins in their blood started menstruating earlier A study of young people from northern Norway finds a link between high levels of PFAS in their blood and early menstruation.
How is the brain cleansed? Researchers are divided over the findings of a new Norwegian study “It’s difficult to explain this away, because we can see it with the naked eye,” neurosurgeon Per Kristian Eide says.
Norwegian Institute of Public Health: Induced births have doubled in 20 years In the past 20 years, the proportion of induced births in Norway has doubled, from under 14 per cent in 2004 to now almost 30 per cent of all births, according to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
Researchers warn of toxins accumulating in the environment When researchers took samples of animals and the environment in Norway's capital, they uncovered substances that were phased out of production in the 1980s, as well as substances still in use today.
Gynaecological instruments have not changed much since ancient times Why not? A gynaecologist still has to look inside the vagina, one researcher observes.
Vaccination protects against long Covid Researchers have looked at Covid-19 data from 3.9 million Norwegians. The risk of getting long Covid after you first fell ill was 36 per cent lower in people who were vaccinated.
What actually happens when medicines expire? Some medications can become dangerous to use after their expiration date. However, we likely also discard a lot of medicine that is perfectly fine.
What exactly is Down syndrome? Marte wishes people knew more Marte Meisingset loves to sing and hang out with friends, but gets upset if someone teases her.
Harmful substances have been found in plastic food packaging – but do we ingest them? Researchers have found plastic packaging to not be safe enough. The research institute Nofima has carried out tests showing that the packaging is completely safe. So, who’s right?
Women who have been in prison face a much higher risk of early death Many of the deaths could have been avoided, according to a new study.
Is it possible to make healthy french fries? Potatoes are healthy. So why aren't french fries healthy?
"There are few who drink such large amounts of coffee"New study raises the alarm on energy drinks and sleep Over 50,000 Norwegian students were asked if they used energy drinks and how well they slept. Those who drank even small amounts of energy drinks had significantly greater problems with sleep than other students.
Does social media content creation impact the professional identity of preventive health professionals? OPINION: Professionals of preventive health may use social media to build a professional image, and at the same time consciously or unconsciously be shaped by the content they share.
New report: Grilled food is safe – as long as you don't burn the sausages Grilling is not dangerous in itself – but pay attention to how well the meat is cooked and what kind of meat you are grilling. That is the conclusion of a new report from the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment.
Embracing unity: How Scandinavia responded to combat Covid-19 OPINION: A unified, well-communicated approach rooted in a country's socio-political context is paramount in steering through crises.
Physical activity may prevent chronic pain Being just a little more active seems to be able to reduce the risk of pain later in life, a Norwegian study shows.
Norwegian Institute of Public Health: Children have been more affected by flu after the pandemic The protection against influenza among the youngest children dropped significantly during the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a new report from NIPH.
Dust bunnies may be toxic: Researcher advises vacuuming often House dust can contain many different environmental toxins.
Norway ranked as the least happy country in the Nordics once again Once again, Norway is ranked as the least happy country in the Nordics according to the UN's happiness report. Finland tops the list for the seventh consecutive year.
One in ten Norwegians has undergone cosmetic surgery – doubling in 16 years 10 per cent of participants in a Norwegian study report having altered their appearance with surgery, a significant increase since 2008. Many struggle with chronic pain afterwards.
ME/CFS may be caused by an imbalance in the brain "We may have identified the physiological centre of fatigue," says the researcher behind a comprehensive study that has received a lot of attention.
Many inmates in Norwegian prisons have mental health problems Although the incarceration rate has decreased, the prevalence of people entering prison with a diagnosed substance use disorder or mental health problem has increased over time.
Long Covid does not cause lasting brain damage, study reveals Young people with persistent post-infective symptoms from Covid-19 did just as well on tests as others.
Sex after gynaecological cancer: "As soon as he strokes my back and especially my stomach, I go into defensive mode" They have survived, but for women who have had gynaecological cancer, the treatment can linger in the body as a trauma, a new study shows. A Norwegian-developed programme can now enhance women's sexuality.
Life expectancy is increasing again – record low fertility Life expectancy for men and women in Norway increased last year. At the same time, fertility rates are at a record low, and people are waiting longer and longer to have their first child.
Can blood from young people slow down Alzheimer's? Norwegian researchers are to test a possible new treatment for Alzheimer's disease.
Can the BCG vaccine protect against Alzheimer's disease? It looks promising, says a Norwegian researcher. Influencing the immune system may be able to prevent Alzheimer's disease.
Can Covid-19 lead to poorer memory? A study of over 100,000 individuals faces criticism When participants assess their own memory, they may think it is worse than it is.
Norwegian study: People who have had Covid-19 have a poorer memory They also have a worse memory than those who have not had Covid-19.
Kids who frequently show anger could be struggling with mental health problems What is the underlying cause when children are violent and aggressive? Norwegian researchers have now investigated this.
Telemedicine: How new technologies can bring medical care to people in remote areas SHARE YOUR SCIENCE: The introduction of AI and smart technology is paving the way for more proactive, personalised, and accessible medical services.
Studies involving 12,000 patients were not published: No one checks whether researchers are doing their job Researchers study everything from cancer to surgery. Participants show up for weeks on end. But the actual results from the study remain unpublished.
Researchers find differences in the brains of children from different backgrounds Norwegian researchers have studied images of the brains of 10,000 American children. They found that parental education and income impact brain development.
Lifestyle changes, even at an older age, can reduce cancer risk Even modest achievement of New Year's resolutions can reduce future risk of cancer. This is shown in a new study from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH).
Researchers have identified the cause behind the majority of all miscarriages Researchers have assumed that chromosomal errors in the foetus are behind half of all early miscarriages. A new study finds such errors in the genes in two out of three miscarried foetuses.
Three reasons why your sports watch cannot measure stress SHARE YOUR SCIENCE: The most crucial element in managing stress is, and will always be, you - how you interact with the world and manage the universal challenges we all face.
12,000 Norwegian patients have participated in studies that remain unpublished A new report shows that many studies on diseases and medications are never completed. Researcher Jan-Ole Hesselberg calls this wasted research.
Should loneliness become a diagnosis? Researchers have somewhat different views on what might solve the problem of loneliness.
We are not sure, says the researcher who has convinced many that ultra-processed food makes people fat and unhealthy OPINION: Kevin Hall is behind the study on ultra-processed food that everyone is talking about. But how convinced is he himself that the processing of food is the cause of obesity and disease?
Norwegian study sheds light on how harmful snus is for your gums One group was more prone to permanent gum damage than others.
Writing by hand activates more areas of the brain than typing on a keyboard Should pupils and students go back to pen and paper?
More adolescents have become lonely – these are especially vulnerable Why are more young people becoming lonely? Two Norwegian researchers have some possible explanations.
Dispute over Norwegian ME study: What does it actually show? For five years, researchers have investigated how ME patients experience Norwegian public health services. The study has received a lot of attention and has been discussed in the Norwegian Parliament. But the study also has its critics.
Highly educated people drink more, yet they face fewer alcohol-related health problems Individuals with higher education generally have better health habits than those with less education, except when it comes to alcohol.
Is long Covid completely normal, a new disease, or mass hysteria? OPINION: While some researchers explore blood and cells, others believe that long Covid is a psychological and social disease. We still lack answers.
Do children actually need to use shampoo? Researchers and hairdressers agree that children can skip shampoo.