Women still do most of the housework Even though the division of labour has become more even, there is a difference in the tasks men and women do.
The lack of women in IT and Information Security limits the potential talent pool OPINION: We are yet to empower women in IT and information security, writes Toktam Ramezanifarkhani.
How the office estranged and empowered queer women SHARE YOUR SCIENCE: Historically, the office was both a heterosexual straitjacket and a space where queer women could support themselves and become independent.
Why do women leave academia after completing a PhD? SHARE YOUR SCIENCE: The higher the academic level, the lower the percentage of women. It is a lose-lose game for female scientists and academia.
Does lying on your stomach after giving birth help your uterus contract? ASK A RESEARCHER: Does the uterus need help contracting postpartum? Is there any point to speeding this up? And does it really help to lie on your stomach, as some women are advised to do after giving birth? We've asked the experts.
Sad, withdrawn kids pull mums out of the workforce Women in paid jobs who have children with behavioural problems largely drop out of the work force within three years after giving birth.
Predicting depression among older women Scientists have discovered that low levels of a particular molecule in the brain can be used to predict depression in elderly women.
What research says about part-time work A debate is raging in Norway. Is it good for mothers and their children if mothers work part-time? The new president of the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), Gerd Kristiansen, doesn't think part-time work is good for society. But what does the research say?
Vikings flaunted foreign bling Viking women adorned themselves with what had been more everyday objects abroad. The women can be compared with today’s fashionistas.