A cold house can be harmful to your health More people die in the winter than during summer. The elderly should keep at least one room in their house at 24 degrees or warmer, professor advises.
Vegetarians had lower risk of heart disease People who avoided meat and fish had a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases like angina and heart attacks.
New model could explain old cholesterol mystery Saturated fats increase cholesterol. And high cholesterol is linked to heart disease. But why are researchers unable to show that saturated fat actually leads to heart disease?
Meta-analysis: Healthy people don’t need to take aspirin to prevent heart disease People with heart disease should continue to take the medicine, but for healthy individuals the side effects are so severe that they cancel out the good effect.
Heart health measured with a simple blood test Researchers have discovered a new indicator that measures the risk of future heart disease. High levels of this substance, called troponin, can identify people at risk.
Harder to predict heart problems among smokers A method for testing whether you run a high risk of a heart attack seems to be less reliable if you are a smoker.