The history of anaesthesiology is full of bitter conflicts and deadly experiments In their eagerness for fame, doctors exposed their patients to mortal danger. Often, things ended tragically.
Norwegian midwives are sceptical about encountering pregnant transmen But some midwives changed their attitude after participating in a study. “The interview really gave many of them something to think about,” says midwife Hilde Ostad.
Research fraud is nothing new: Here's how scientists manipulated data in the 1800s SHARE YOUR SCIENCE: Fraud and manipulation, big data challenges and the decline of science. None of this is new. These issues were already on the agenda in the UK in the 1830s.
Study on Lightning Process-course for CFS/ME patients raises controversy “Our intent is simply to check whether the method works,” says NTNU project manager Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair. “A dangerous study,” says head physician Kristian Sommerfelt.
Convenience food – easy to eat and hard to swallow Time-squeezed Norwegians gobble up ready-to-eat meals like crazy. But not without guilt pangs.
Coverage of Norwegian terrorist trial can be fatiguing Anders Behring Breivik’s trial is receiving massive media coverage. Journalistic ethics could be put to test by pressure for a constant stream of breaking news.
The unknown right to refuse research Is it okay for you that research is done on your biological material? In Norway patients have the option to refuse. But then they must get their names on a registry that can’t afford to inform the public of its existence.
The moral soldier Peacekeeping forces shoulder responsibility of protecting civilians – but how much of these obligations do the soldiers in the field actually bear?