What happens to young children who become malnourished? If a child becomes acutely malnourished during the first thousand days of their life, they can fully recover. But only if the child receives proper treatment, according to a professor.
Do you often get low blood sugar? No, you probably don't ASK A RESEARCHER: You feel tired, nauseous, and irritable. Low blood sugar, maybe?
Does smell disappear? Or does our planet become more and more smelly every day? ASK A RESEARCHER: What actually happens to the small odour molecules?
Why are highly educated people taller? The taller you are, the more likely it is that you are highly educated. But folks with less education are catching up, according to a new study.
Those who always complain about being cold are actually colder Some people complain that they are cold even in wool sweaters when others are comfortable in T-shirts. They're not kidding.
Why didn't our ancient ancestors get cavities? ASK A RESEARCHER: People used to not have cavities. So why do we get them today?
What is going on in the bodies of ME/CFS patients? Chronic fatigue syndrome remains a mystery. Many factors likely contribute to triggering and maintaining the problem. Here we take a closer look at what recent research has found out about biological differences between healthy people and ME/CFS patients.
We can close our eyes and mouth. Why can’t we close our ears? ASK A RESEARCHER: Wouldn't it be nice if you could close your ears underwater or when you’re in noisy surroundings?
Our lung capacity has gotten a lot better Norwegian researchers and thousands of residents in the county of Trøndelag have taken part in a study that shows how year after year —ever since the end of the 19th century — our lungs work better and better.
Norwegian girls are reaching puberty earlier A study from Norway shows that the average age for girls to start puberty has decreased by almost 3 months over the last ten years. Researchers are concerned about the trend.
Do men and women have different circadian rhythms? New research may provide answers as to why some people tolerate being awake at night better than others.
How long does sex normally last before climaxing? For sure not all night, in case you might have thought so.
Frozen ovarian tissue restores women’s fertility Doctors removed ovarian tissue from women about to undergo chemotherapy – and when it was transplanted after chemo, patients were able to become pregnant.
How do we train our sense of smell? You can boost your olfactory powers − but your nose won’t be changing.
Hormone spirals stand up to uterine cancer Hormone spirals give protection against uterine cancer. The hormone spiral is superior compared to treatment with tablets.
Why do men grow bald? Why do men - and not women - lose their hair?. Scientists have the answers and some advice too.
What’s the deal with morning breath? While you sleep the bacteria in your mouth are forced onto a low-carb diet. They protest by gassing your breath with sulphur.