Many adolescents get far too little sleep. Researchers are now testing if starting the school day later might help Not getting enough sleep is harmful to our brains. Society should therefore better accommodate the sleep needs of adolescents on school days, according to researchers.
Does everyone need the same amount of sleep? Expert believes six hours might be enough for some “There’s no reason to lie awake at night worrying about not getting enough sleep,” a sleep expert says.
"There are few who drink such large amounts of coffee"New study raises the alarm on energy drinks and sleep Over 50,000 Norwegian students were asked if they used energy drinks and how well they slept. Those who drank even small amounts of energy drinks had significantly greater problems with sleep than other students.
Older people improved their memory by being exposed to smells at night Even though it is a small study, the findings are so interesting that they are worth following up on, a Norwegian dementia researcher says.
Too little and poor sleep can increase your risk of infection A new Norwegian study suggests that good sleep hygiene – enough and good sleep – makes you less vulnerable to infections. It's important not to sleep too little – or too much.
Should the baby sleep in its own bed or co-sleep with the parents – and why is this such a controversial issue? What is the best way to put the youngest children to bed? A new Norwegian sleep app aims to help parents get their children to fall asleep on their own.
The culture of sleeping: Some slept in rose-painted beds, others barely had time to sleep In his new book, cultural historian Bjørn Sverre Hol Haugen takes us back to a time when decorative beds were a status symbol, and having to share a bed with random relatives was quite normal.
Here’s what you can do to have fewer nightmares The best documented treatment against nightmares is actually something you can do yourself. You just need a little creativity and a few minutes.
Hard exercise and sleep deprivation could be bad news for the heart Young men trained intensively with and without curtailed sleep. A new study shows that with too little sleep, they secreted more of a substance that is a biomarker for potential future heart disease. But the study has major weaknesses, says researcher Stein Ørn.
Children who slept less had fewer positive emotions Over time, insufficient sleep can affect our concentration and our relationships with friends.
Why do some people get restless legs? Many people are unaware that they have a neurological disorder.
Use of sleeping pills has doubled among Norwegian youth Ten years ago 1,6 per cent of Norwegian youth between the ages of 15 and 19 used prescription sleep medicine. Last year that number had more than doubled.
Children who got narcolepsy after the swine flu vaccine struggle with obesity and depression “This is a lifelong and serious disease,” one researcher says.
Why do animals hibernate? ASK A RESEARCHER: All kinds of animals go into hibernation. Some hibernate all winter, while others "turn off" their bodies for just a few hours.
Do you stay up late because you need time for yourself? Sleep researchers have long known that many people go to bed late. In Chinese, the term “revenge bedtime procrastination” has become popular. It’s used to describe people with little personal time who choose to sleep less so they can unwind at night.
Researchers may have discovered where dreams come from Brain cells that receive sensory stimuli while we’re awake may be activated by memories when we sleep.
Do men and women have different circadian rhythms? New research may provide answers as to why some people tolerate being awake at night better than others.
Norwegian brain researcher: You don’t need to worry about getting Alzheimer's if you’re a little short on sleep Sleep researchers regularly warn that poor or too little sleep can lead to Alzheimer's disease. But a group of Norwegian brain researchers who are behind a large research project haven’t found this connection.
Online therapy can help people with sleep problems People who participated in digital sleep therapy used less sleep medication afterwards, according to a new Norwegian study.
A new Norwegian sensor will help you sleep better when your sleep is being monitored The new Norwegian-developed sleep sensor means that a study subject doesn’t have to sleep with sensors on his or her body. In addition, the fact that it is contactless solves a problem related to the coronavirus crisis, says a Norwegian sleep scientist.
You are highly likely to inherit your parents sleeping problems Does one of your parents struggle with sleep problems? You should be prepared for the fact that you might also have the same problems.
People who have trouble falling asleep have the most anxiety Insomniacs who struggle to fall asleep at night have higher levels of anxiety than insomniacs with other symptoms, new research shows.
Breathing can affect the cleansing of the brain Breathing rhythms affect how well spinal fluid flows in and around the brain, a new study shows. Cerebrospinal fluid plays an important role in flushing metabolic waste products from the brain. The finding may have an impact on brain diseases such as Alzheimer's.
Is being overtired an actual physical condition? Or is it just something we say when our kids won’t sleep?
Internet therapy for sleep problems provides long-term improvement An online treatment programme for insomnia works well, with its beneficial effects persisting as long as 18 months after treatment, a new study shows.
These are our sleep habits Norwegian researchers have asked compatriots about their sleep habits. Here are seven findings from their study. Are you in the same groove?
What makes us tired in a car if other passengers are sleeping? Do sleeping people exhale or emit a special hormone that makes others sleepy?
Study finds parents have cut back on giving their children sleeping pills After concerns were raised about the practice, the use of allergy medicine to help one-year-olds sleep has been cut in half in Norway.
Why Norwegians look forward to long winter nights Norwegians have found a way to celebrate the beauty of dark polar nights instead of dread them. One psychology student thinks the rest of the world can learn something from this mindset.
Teens with ADHD need more sleep Sleep issues are more common among teenagers with symptoms of ADHD. And although they need more sleep, they tend to get way less than they need.
Heavier parents get fatigued kids When parents are overweight their children tend to get to bed later and sleep less.
Children taking unapproved sleep meds for several years More children are being prescribed melatonin as a sleep medication, although it is not approved for this use and little research exists on its long-term side effects.
Worrying about sleep will keep you awake If you are afraid of not being able to sleep, insomnia may become more severe.
Sleep-deprived teens more likely to be depressed Lots of young Norwegians fail to get their recommended dose of shuteye. Adolescents with sleep problems are five times as likely to suffer depression as peers who sleep well.
Local languange self-therapy on the internet can help deal with insomnia A psychologist says her countrymen need Norwegian language self-help programmes on the web to deal with insomnia.
Insomnia jeopardizes physical and mental health Extensive Norwegian data confirm that insufficient sleep increases future risks of heart attacks, chronic pain and mental problems such as depression.
Teens need more sleep, but don't sleep enough Adolescents know they should be sleeping more than they do. Teens in a recent study said they sleep two hours less than they feel they should on weekdays.
Sleeping pills can double risk of traffic accidents The risk of getting involved in a traffic accident is twice as high within a week after filling out a prescription for some of the most popular sleeping pills.
Why parents drift off while kids watch TV A sleep researcher says it’s not all your fault. Biology is to blame.
Sleep disturbance slips under the radar As many as 40 percent of patients in the Norwegian mental health care system are likely to experience insomnia, but their sleep problems can be overlooked.
For drivers with heavy eyelids, good roads can kill Fatigued and drowsy drivers cause hundreds of traffic accidents every year in Norway, and sometimes the consequences are fatal. New research shows that good, straight roads are one of several factors which make drivers fall asleep in front of the wheel.
Use your bedroom for sleep and sex only We have grown more prone to going to bed with technological sleep thieves. But use of mobile phones and PCs at bedtime links to poor sleeping habits.
Sleeping as well in the summer as the winter In Norway the incidence of insomnia and sleeping problems is stable, regardless of large seasonal changes in hours of daylight. This undermines the diagnosis of “winter depression”.
Insomnia can cause fibromyalgia Women who frequently have sleeping problems run a higher risk of developing the rheumatoid disorder fibromyalgia, characterised by muscle pain and headaches.