This creature, which has no brain, can clean the ocean and become fuel The sea squirt starts its life as a small larva with a small brain, but then it finds a place to live.
Girls who had a lot of environmental toxins in their blood started menstruating earlier A study of young people from northern Norway finds a link between high levels of PFAS in their blood and early menstruation.
Researchers warn of toxins accumulating in the environment When researchers took samples of animals and the environment in Norway's capital, they uncovered substances that were phased out of production in the 1980s, as well as substances still in use today.
“Our urine is worth its weight in gold,” says researcher Urine can be used as fertiliser for our plants.
The Earth traps more heat than before. This is partly due to cleaner air There is a growing imbalance in how much energy the Earth receives and emits back.
Trees in cities are not always good for air quality A common argument for more trees in cities is that they improve air quality. A new Norwegian study suggests that trees can also negatively affect air quality.
Are we really running out of helium? ASK A RESEARCHER: “There has been a lot of talk about the world running out of helium,” says professor.
People don't want plastic around their food. Here’s how researchers can solve this problem. Several approaches are being studied. Fish scales can be made into plastic, or we can go back to paper and cardboard.
Cars pollute much less than before Emissions of the toxic gases NOx from local traffic in Norway has decreased by as much as 53 per cent from 1990 to 2020.
Hit them where it hurts: Producers of fast fashion should pay the most OPINION: How best to deal with the negative environmental impact of the clothing industry? The writers behind this opinion suggest a system in which those who sell large volumes of clothes that don't last pay the most.
Your clothes cause water pollution — but now both the water and the pollutants can be reused The clothing industry uses and pollutes large amounts of water. Now water from textile manufacturers will be treated, cleaned and reused.
Fifty years of plastic trash hidden beneath the sod “We had to remove a lot of vegetation to get rid of the plastic,” said one of the researchers behind a new Norwegian study.
Fish in the Arctic deformed by tiny amounts of oil contamination Polar cod are very sensitive to crude oil contamination, a new study shows.
Browner, but better water in Norwegian lakes The water flowing through Norwegian Lakes has improved in quality and gotten less polluted over the last 25 years. But at the same time, it’s gotten a lot browner. This has a natural explanation.
We have to clean up our approach to cleaning up beaches, researcher says The commitment among Norwegians to clean up plastic trash from beaches is enormous. But at the same time, the clean-ups have become chaotic and themselves have to be cleaned up, one researcher says.
The ‘plastic rivers’ of Asia play a key part in the fight against plastic in the ocean OPINION: Near half of the global plastic leakage from land to sea comes from a few countries in Southeast Asia. To overcome the plastic problem, we need to treat the cause and not just the symptoms. We must turn the spotlight on the sources.
High levels of pollutants in polar bears from the Barents Sea – what are the reasons behind? SHARE YOUR SCIENCE: Levels of exposure vary according to what the polar bears eat, where they move, and how much energy they need to get through a day in their polar bear lives.
Half of Norwegian red foxes eat rat poison Many people still put out poison baits, even though this form of rodent control is prohibited.
Exhaust gas is to blame: Ground-level ozone is damaging crops Exhaust gas emissions have doubled the amount of ground-level ozone. Vegetation is being destroyed. Food production is decreasing. Researchers now fear that the damage is greatest in the Arctic regions.
What are the links between exhaust fumes and heart disease? Several major studies around the globe show that people living in areas with air pollution are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. Norwegian researchers have examined potential causes.
Why is so little plastic actually recycled? A group of Danish and Swedish researchers have now tackled this exact question. Their answer? Money.
Norwegians won’t stop flying, even though they know it’s bad for the planet Flying is one of the last things that Norwegians want to give up. Should we require people to cut their air travel by one flight a year? One researcher says that won’t work, and that the only solution is electric airplanes.
How knowledge can reduce ocean waste OPINION: By analysing heaps of trash found at Svalbard's coasts, we can potentially reduce the amount of plastic polluting the ocean, writes researcher.
Is it dangerous to eat food grown right by the road? A reader wonders how pollution affects the food crops that grow along Norwegian roads.
Thin Arctic foxes suffer more from industrial pollutants The Arctic may be a long way from the industrial world, but harmful chemical substances find their way northward and concentrate in animals there. Researchers have now found a disturbing trend: concentrations of one harmful chemical family are higher in thin Arctic foxes than in their more well-fed brethern.
Twelve things that can protect you from polluted urban air Ten times as many people die of urban air pollution as in traffic accidents in Norway. Here are some effective tips for protecting yourself from bad city air.
Four-day forecasts of air pollution People with cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders often need to stay indoors when air pollution levels get too severe. Meteorologists are working on providing four-day forecasts for air pollutants.
Nuke bomb fallout in Norway sourced Thousands of nuclear weapons tests have been conducted around the world since 1945. A Norwegian researcher has recently investigated where fallout in Norway came from.
Fish in drug-tainted water see some benefits Swedish freshwater perch have been seen to thrive in water contaminated by anti-anxiety medications. Researchers think most studies, which look solely at the negative aspects of pharmaceutical pollution, could be missing some perks for perch.
EU cites Norway for air poor quality Emissions of harmful atmospheric particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide in Norway exceed limits stipulated by the EU Air Quality Directive.
Aerosols are wild cards in climate models Tiny airborne particles in the Earth’s atmosphere affect its climate. But uncertainties regarding their impact can be greater than reckoned in climate models, according to new Norwegian research.
Breast milk is safe Breast milk contains contaminants. But a thorough analysis of relevant research shows that the benefits of breastfeeding clearly outweigh the potential risks.
Scandinavian otters full of contaminants The Scandinavian otter is full of high concentrations of environmental contaminants that were banned years ago.
Even little air pollution raises cancer risks Air pollution, even in concentrations below EU limits, increases the risk of lung cancer.
Road traffic pollution gives children asthma But children in rural areas face other allergens that can trigger the disease.
Mapping marine life before oil drilling starts Foul-smelling bubbles rise from the floor of the Barents Sea. Living organisms in these depths are being studied before the oil and gas industry starts drilling operations.
Detecting oil spills with satellite How to discern between a slick of oil pollution and harmless layer of microorganisms from an algal bloom? Bombard it with a radar from a satellite!
Bright spots in the environmental gloom The climate crisis can seem insolvable, but since the 1970s we have actually solved some of our major environmental challenges.
Yo-Yo dieter with eiderdown The common eider is a yo-yo dieter. This can make the sea duck vulnerable to environmental toxins and disease both on the Svalbard Archipelago and along the Norwegian coast.