Which smokers and ex-smokers are at greatest risk for lung cancer? Researchers at NTNU are developing a new method for more accurately calculating the individual risk of lung cancer in smokers. A number of risk genes are baked into the model.
Our lung capacity has gotten a lot better Norwegian researchers and thousands of residents in the county of Trøndelag have taken part in a study that shows how year after year —ever since the end of the 19th century — our lungs work better and better.
Can vitamin D help against COPD? Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients with deficient levels of vitamin D displayed poorer lung functionality and more rapid deterioration of lung function in a three-year period, according to new research.
Salvaged donor lungs can save lives Donor lungs once thought unsuitable for transplant can be salvaged for use by a new method after special treatment in a purpose-built heart and lung machine unit.