Why Norway has banned the breeding of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Norway’s Supreme Court has ruled that the breeding of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels violates the Animal Welfare Act. A Norwegian professor believes the court has made a mistake in allowing further breeding of English Bulldogs.
Do we really need to pick up dog poop? Yes, according to scientists. But should we also do it while hiking in the woods?
How do search and rescue dogs train to find missing people? Every year, search and rescue dogs find between 40 and 50 missing people in Norway. They are trained through interaction and rewards. “They’re clearly sad when the people they find are dead,” says Bjørn Tore Ulsrud, from Norwegian Search and Rescue Dogs.
Production of pet food for cats and dogs leaves a considerable carbon paw print Producing dry kibble for our pets requires lots of farmland — equivalent to roughly twice the area of the United Kingdom. Replace animal remains used in the feed with insects, suggests one Norwegian researcher.
Is it okay to feed your dog leftovers? ASK A RESEARCHER: Many dogs love to eat the same thing that we humans serve for dinner, but is it good for them?
Does it harm animals to have two homes after a divorce? "Dogs and cats are different in this respect,” claims an animal welfare researcher.
Do dogs see what’s happening on TV? Dogs often watch TV with their owners. What do our furry friends see on the screen?