Almost everyone has plaque in their arteries A researcher has now found a method which he believes can more quickly determine how dangerous this plaque is for our heart and brain.
Do you have excess belly fat? It's possible to completely eliminate the risk of cardiovascular diseases Researchers have good news for those at greatest risk of such diseases.
Received awards for groundbreaking research in dementia and heart health Researchers Dan Atar and Evandro Fei Fang received awards for their research.
Women who have struggled to have children are more likely to get cardiovascular disease Women who have difficulty conceiving are somewhat more susceptible to cardiovascular disease. Their partners also have a slightly elevated risk, according to two Norwegian studies.
Nordic study confirms rare side effect from Covid vaccination in young men Young men have a higher risk of myocarditis – inflammation of the heart muscle – after a second dose of an mRNA vaccine, according to a recently published study.
When science promoted sugar as healthy Studies in the 1970s showed that people couldn’t get overweight or develop cardiovascular diseases from consumption of carbohydrates such as sugar. A Norwegian professor thinks we are still paying for this mistake.
Four-day forecasts of air pollution People with cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders often need to stay indoors when air pollution levels get too severe. Meteorologists are working on providing four-day forecasts for air pollutants.
Benefits for overweight women with heart disease A Norwegian study has found that overweight women with cardiovascular disease are less at risk of serious consequences from their illness than normal weight women with the same disease. The opposite is true for men.
Aircraft noise linked to larger waistlines Women and men living close to Stockholm’s Arlanda Airport are more likely to swell out in the middle than those further away.
Migraine patients need full check-ups Excruciating migraine attacks with auras make young women, in particular, more vulnerable to heart attacks and strokes.