Five myths about the Big Bang Where did the Big Bang happen, and what was going on around it? Two physicists take us through the most common misunderstandings of what the theory is about.
All existence on the edge The entire universe is unstable. Suddenly it could change all its physical game rules. That would be the definitive end of happy hour for humanity.
Prestigious prize for expanded universe In its earliest moments after the Big Bang something counterintuitive happened. In much less than the wink of an eye the entire universe underwent a monstrous growth spurt, faster than the speed of light. Three physicians are now receiving the Kavli Prize for astrophysics for conceiving of this incredible cosmic inflation.
Winners of the Kavli Prizes 2014 Norway’s Thomas W. Ebbesen is among the winners of the prestigious Kavli Prize in Nanoscience. The three Kavli Prizes were awarded today. See all nine winners here.