Older teens tackle divorces adeptly Today’s adolescents generally excel at taking care of one another. Researchers think such empathy and friendship is helping them come to grips with parents’ divorces.
Adolescents regret having watched porn Six out of ten adolescents aged 13 to 16 have viewed porn or sex on the web. Many of the youngest ones wish they hadn’t. More girls than boys found it repulsive.
Psychoses in teens no more disabling than in adults Teenagers who are schizophrenic are apt to have reduced mental function, but counter to previous assumptions, their disability is no worse than among patients who are initially diagnosed in adulthood.
Helping adolescents build a positive body image Young people with a sound attitude towards their own bodies have one thing in common―parents who don’t focus on physiques and appearances.
One in three teenagers suffers chronic stress A third of all Swedish 16-year-olds are seriously stressed out, according to a new survey. Nearly one in ten also had symptoms of acute burnout.
Teens need more sleep, but don't sleep enough Adolescents know they should be sleeping more than they do. Teens in a recent study said they sleep two hours less than they feel they should on weekdays.